MISSION: The mission of the Professional Responsibility Committee (PRC) is: to support the legal, ethical, and regulatory (LER) practice standards1 by encouraging and promoting adherence.
1 LER standards are broadly used to include, for example, NATA Code of Ethics; Bioethical Principles; Values and Ethics of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice; BOC Standards of Professional Practice, State Practice Acts; laws (FERPA, OSHA, HIPAA) that impact professional practice.
District 3 Rep
Joseph A. Beckett, EdD, ATC
MAATA Scholarship Committee Chair
Marshall University
Huntington, WV 25755
304-696-2929 (Office)
Revering and Adhering to Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory (LER) Professional Practice Standards
The Professional Responsibility Committee (PRC) was founded and approved by the NATA Board of Directors June 2016. The first conference call (Oct. 7, 2016) focused on research up-dates, drop box information, and projects/activities.
1. streamlining LER resources
2. educating professionals how to exercise those LER standards
3. establishing an online presence
Rationale to add standing committee includes advancing conjoined LER issues.
To date, no other NATA committee has the primary charge to advance conjoined-LER-issues and adherence of professional standards1 through professional development and support.
NATA Districts (Districts 1-10); Strategic Alliance (BOC, CAATE, Foundation); KEY NATA COMMITTEES (GAC, COPA, COPE, Federal Legislative)
PRC Presentations:
NATA 2017 (June): Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues: Reducing Exposure to Risk and Liability (Principles Of Evidence Based Practice)
BOC 2017 (July): Regulatory conference: Update from the Professional Responsibility Committee: Uncovering Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues In Athletic Training
District 3 (May): Professional Responsibility: What we need to know about tort law and professional ethics in the athletic training educational setting
District 5 (March): HIPAA, FERPA and the contracted athletic trainer
District 10 (March/April): Creating Physician Agreements and Standard Protocols
iLEAD (February): informal presentation – pending
State Leadership Forum (June 2017): PRC: What it Provides for the Membership
District Lecture Series (2018 or 2019): Return-to-Play: Legal/Ethical dimensions of decisions following acute injures and following a rehabilitation protocol – pending
Tennessee Athletic Trainers’ Society Annual Meeting (Jan 2017): PRWG survey
NATA PRC makes a good-faith effort to provide the membership with educational materials that may be useful in understanding legal/ethical/regulatory (LER) issues, practice standards, and adherence. Members needing legal advice should consult an attorney.
PRC Infographic
Developed an infographic for the new mentorship program
Legal Newsletter: PRC Column
PRC will write a column for the NEW Quarterly Legal Newsletter
FIRST PRC Column (Jan 2017) is submitted - Standing Orders: What Do They Mean, and Do I Need One?
NATA AT Documentation Work Group – Looking at creative ways under the legal, ethical, and regulatory (LER) umbrella for the PRC and the Work group to disseminate AT documentation guidance.